A letter from the heart of God!
How do you feel about Fairweather Friends?
How do you feel about Relationships that are centered around the other person?
Don't you like when people ask about your dreams, your ambitions, your hopes?
Does it occur to you that I would like to be your friend?
The one you worry about
The one you want to help carry out His Ambitions.
You spend time encouraging your other friends and praying with them that it might be well.
Does it occur to you that sometimes I want to feel like you just came into my Presence to talk, to ask about things of the Kingdom.
I tell you to Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know. While these are things that can help you in your earthly walk, I also want to reveal my Glory to you.
I want to help you set your eyes on a prize.
I ask you to seek First my Kingdom and my Righteousness and all things shall be added unto you.
What does it mean to be A TRUE FRIEND?
A Good Friend is one who is there independent of what you do or do not do for them.
Why is our friendship always threatened when things go wrong?
Do you stop talking to your other friends when things go wrong?
Isn't that when you need them the most?
Is it because they can fix it or is it because they can share in your pain?
Do not get me wrong I want to fix it for you, but I want you to know that I do not do these things to merit your Worship. I deserve your worship Independently of what I have or have not done for you.So when you wonder why I am so far away, understand that I am not far away. I am here, I always am. Your perspective does not allow you to see me the way I am.
That is why I ask you to be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may have the Mind of Chirst. That way you may love as He loved, Independently of if you are loved in return.
I have loved you before you ever saught my face and I always will love you, but for our friendship to go escalate to where you dream of it to go, you will have to treat me like the friend you would like to have.
Listen to what I have to say about things too, Ask about my opinions, Share your joys as well as your sorrows with me, Be active in my own sphere, Opt to do favors for me too.That will bring a smile to my face. Remember that you were made in my image. I know you like Surprises, Every now and then, I would like if you too dedicated time just for me. Be a vessel through which I can bless my other friends.
How wonderful will it be for you to dedicate time, yourself and whatever it is that you have so I may bless another?Howmany more people would enjoy a relationship with me and in turn seek me? You will realise as we walk together in true Friendship that your prayers will change.You will be confident that I understand you so much so that you would not have to explain yourself to me because I am right there with you. And when things do not seem like I am right there , you will know that I am right there , cause I always am.
There are people in your life that you know regardless of how many times you call them and they do not pick up, you know they care. The issue is for some reason or the other they are not available. It is almost the same. The difference is that I am always there. I just do not let things happen for no reason, and because I have a plan, I have to let certain things accomplish the purpose for which they were sent.
I watch you insist on having attention from a certain someone all the time.You even get jealous sometimes when he does not pay attention to you.This isn't because you do not have confidence in your relationship, you just want to be reassured. It is almost the same thing. I just want us to stay in communion. I want you to walk around with my eveident fingerprint on you.I want to show off in you. I want to laugh with you . I want to be your everything. Guess what? when we are so close, I am so much more sensitive to the things that go on in your life. Not because I love you anymore, I just understand that when certain storms hit, it will affect us, and so somehow I find myself shielding you from those things because I will miss our Fun and Communion.
You are not too fund of answering to the question why. Have you thought for a second that you get that from me? I just want you to trust that I know what I am doing, so that when it happens All I hear from you is, You must be upto something. Trusting that I am in control.
These are not things I am telling you today because I started speaking today.. You would have volumes if you wrote everything I said. Infact you might come to realise that I am pretty talkative myself. I just go on and on with the hopes that you will pick up on something I say.I am always grateful when you decide to listen and give me the time to Shine. You just listenned to what I have to say and for that I am grateful because this does not come around too often.
I just wish many more of my children understood that I am not far away. I am right here .. talking always.. look at how fast you are writing.. you must realize that it is because I am talking so much. I have always been here.. I am here.. I hope you can remember that.
It is not you who is begging to be my friend. It is me waiting for you to be a good friend.It is me who is waiting for you to realise that I too desire to have a true friend.Not just someone who is counting on me for this or for that.Those things are secondary. I am also looking for a friend I can count on. I am looking for someone who will love me back.
I know you would never be with anyone who does not love you back. Someone who does not cherish you. Why do you think I would be diffrent? I made you in my likeness. A lot of times people think they are just the way they are.. No! They are like me. They feel hurt because I feel hurt, they love because I love.. all these things I put in you , hoping that you would have a piece of how I function.
Regardless of how much I would love you to grasp everything about me you would never be able to because you are not Not me. Everything from Sending my Son to die for you, sacrificing the best just for you.Sometimes I feel cheated when I get second best. What is funny is we were not even friends when I first loved ....It is easier for you because I ask you to bring everything to me.. Your friend, You trust me, you know something about me,that I am faithful... so sometimes you do.
I am advertised for what I can do and not for who I can be. What is funny is that I have learned not to mind cause as you say, all advertisement is good advertisment right?
It is all about you coming to me and I do the rest of the work.Imagine that I fix you , teaching you how to love. I have heard you say that you do not believe in teaching another how to love you, it takes away from the element of Surprise!! Well that's me!
Understand that it is not a problem for me because I know it is in your nature to fall short., but I embrace the fact that you are a wonderful friend to have so I forget about the bad. Infact I worked on it. That is what Jesus's death was all about. So we can just be friends and I did not have to change who I am because I can't.I do not change. I am just excited that we can commune and that we do not have to be seperated because nothing can seperate you from my love.
If you Understood this, you would never be scared to come to me. I am not that Scary God you hear about.I am your best friend, I am your number one fan too, rooting for you as you dress up and go about your everyday business.If you Understood this you will not have a problem worshipping me. Not because I did this or that, but for the simple fact that my love for you is beyond your ability to grasp, because it really is. I can't wait till you can finally see this. I know you will understand what I am talking about one day.
I can see you are you are getting tired of writing.I told you, it is you who tunes in and out, but I understand. I know how it gets sometimes. Just remember that you do not have to go through this alone, and whenever you feel like you do not have a friend, remember I am here, and I am always happy and grateful for whatever time you give to me. I am always wanting more and more but I understand that other things must be done.
I hope we can talk like this more often It has really been a pleasure.
I am right here, But while you are still listenning, I will remind you that I love you.
Why this journey
There is a major factor we most often fail to consider when we make plans for the future, that factor my friends, is called Life.In my mind I picture it like the game Hide and Seek.You have a few minutes to find a spot, and Ready or not.. here it comes. Life unravels itself in the most random way sometimes, and regardless of how much we prepare for it, I am learning that there are certain things we will just never see coming.
As Human beings we are all vulnerable to the Whens, Whys, Hows and Wheres that the various circumstances we face throw at us. Sometimes it's just that tiny little piece of the puzzle we are searching for, and other times it's the uncertainty about where to begin.
So I began a journey,a search is to discover what it was in me that was constant. I wanted to know the thing that stands true even when hit with the greatest paradox in life,that immeasurable gap between my dreams and my reality.
This Blog is all about that journey. An attempt to hold unto one thing I am certain was the same the day I was born, and will stay true till I die.
Giving my Life to Jesus has released to me what I believe is the greatest treasure of all times. The best way I can describe it is as, is a Personal mirror of truth.I must admit that my reflection scares me most of the time, for the simple fact that it is perfect.I must admit that I have been bothered by the parallels of what I see and how I feel but slowly I see possibility of these paths merging. This Perfection, I have come to understand to be the way GOD sees me. It is independent of what I have said or not said, what I have done or have not done. It is that part of me that does not fluctuate.
I look deep into this mirror and though what I see must be true, it seems so hard to believe because it is contrary to what i know of myself.
I am hoping that through this journey , I can grow to share God's Perspective which is The reflection in the mirror.It is Clear now and I hope it becomes even clearer, I am just perfect for the Job He has for me.
I hope these reflections, prayers, poems and thoughts will strike a cord in you too and maybe we all can start looking past what Life says about us, to finding our own mirrors and admiring that perfect reflection in the Mirror.