Looking for someone to buy goods I don't quite believe in
As I hold them , my eye hits the obvious expiry date but I am clueless
Unaware of a Sales pitch I can use to liquidate with a sense of urgency
Considering to relinquish at wholesale
Heck who cares about Profit If this buyer can fill this gap
This void so intense it must be deeper than loneliness
on a search for a superhuman
Someone who'd call ME beautiful first thing in the morning
Though I can't stand MY own sight.. MY own breath
Too high of an expectation?
Anyone looking to settle ?
Cause in every aspect I am packing less.
I need all the Validation I can get
I need all the Reassurance possible
Did I mention I'd rather YOU be Perfect?
That's right!
Cause I will be taking up all our emotional resources combined.
So yes, That's probably explains why I'm Desperate.
pushing My Figure, My Face, My Smile to compensate for a while
hoping when that's all gone my heart will be enough
What I could not see was you were created a Witness
A witness to the wonderful work He is about to do in me
A witness to see me here and me there
It must be Grand if He is not making you responsible for this project
It must be special if he needed someone who could share a testament
You are here to confirm I was a little rough around the edges
but the finished work is a Blessing
You are here to testify not just because you are loyal to me
But because you experienced every step of the way
He sends you to take a before picture, and to Awe you with the after
So please relax... ALL THE PRESSURE IS OFF.
Why this journey
There is a major factor we most often fail to consider when we make plans for the future, that factor my friends, is called Life.In my mind I picture it like the game Hide and Seek.You have a few minutes to find a spot, and Ready or not.. here it comes. Life unravels itself in the most random way sometimes, and regardless of how much we prepare for it, I am learning that there are certain things we will just never see coming.
As Human beings we are all vulnerable to the Whens, Whys, Hows and Wheres that the various circumstances we face throw at us. Sometimes it's just that tiny little piece of the puzzle we are searching for, and other times it's the uncertainty about where to begin.
So I began a journey,a search is to discover what it was in me that was constant. I wanted to know the thing that stands true even when hit with the greatest paradox in life,that immeasurable gap between my dreams and my reality.
This Blog is all about that journey. An attempt to hold unto one thing I am certain was the same the day I was born, and will stay true till I die.
Giving my Life to Jesus has released to me what I believe is the greatest treasure of all times. The best way I can describe it is as, is a Personal mirror of truth.I must admit that my reflection scares me most of the time, for the simple fact that it is perfect.I must admit that I have been bothered by the parallels of what I see and how I feel but slowly I see possibility of these paths merging. This Perfection, I have come to understand to be the way GOD sees me. It is independent of what I have said or not said, what I have done or have not done. It is that part of me that does not fluctuate.
I look deep into this mirror and though what I see must be true, it seems so hard to believe because it is contrary to what i know of myself.
I am hoping that through this journey , I can grow to share God's Perspective which is The reflection in the mirror.It is Clear now and I hope it becomes even clearer, I am just perfect for the Job He has for me.
I hope these reflections, prayers, poems and thoughts will strike a cord in you too and maybe we all can start looking past what Life says about us, to finding our own mirrors and admiring that perfect reflection in the Mirror.